2016 Webinars

Details of our 2016 webinar program are below.

We're currently working to make our historic webinar series available online, but if there are any in particular that you're particularly keen to see, get in touch with our office.

Augmented Reality: Beyond the Hype

Augmented Reality offers an entirely new way to inform, engage and tell stories. AR is finding its way in everyday life, thanks to powerful mobile devices, delivering unprecedented user experiences.

In this webinar we take a look at what’s driving adoption of the technology in publishing and what it takes to implement it.

Korean Publishing Market Dynamics

This webinar will provide a market briefing on the Korean publishing industry and what titles are currently selling well. It also looks at opportunities available for Australian rights to be exported to Korea.

How to Improve Your Marketing with Metadata

How Onixsuite can improve your metadata management.

What Publishers Need to Know About Australian Readers

This webinar will take you through what Better Reading have discovered about reader demographics and behaviour from their hugely successful online community of book lovers.

PIRs & the Productivity Commission

An overview of the recent activity and developments in copyright policy and political issues regarding the repeal of PIRs

Legal Deposits for the National Library

This session outlines the nature of recent changes to Legal Deposit provisions, and explain what they mean for Australian Publishers.